Sunday, February 15, 2009

Spider man 2

Both of these highly acclaimed movie critics cover all of the same areas of this movie, and its transtion from the prequal and comic for that matter. Over all Ebert was obviously more satisfied with the movie over all. He enjoyed the making of this movie when it came to character developement, sequal transition, and the comic relation. He also states how even people who arent into super hero movies would enjoy Spider man 2, just because it was a well made movie. Gilchrist didnt seem to agree with much of the movie, all while saying the movie was just okay. He didnt enjoy the premise of the movie and didnt respect how the director interpretated the comics and the movie's predessesor. These critics both covered the same subjects in there reviews, even though the genereal ideas were about skewed from each other. But with this kind of genre (being a comic related super hereo movie) preference plays a big part in anyones thoughts about it. from what i read it didnt "sound" like Gilchrist was a big fan of the genre in general, while Ebert states clearly that he liked most super hero movies, but this on in particular.

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