Wednesday, January 28, 2009


1. Now that Im at college I just do all of my writing in my dorm. I always have music playin, just because i cant stand silence. back home i lived on the delaware river, and it was always nice to drive there and write in my car, just a nice setting.
2. i prefer to write using a pencil and paper. thats how i write the fastest, and i try to get everything on paper as fast i can before my thoughts slip away.
3. As i already said im good with just a pencil, paper, and preferably some music. and preferably bob marley.
4. My "invention strategies" pretty much involve a cluster of ideas. i write down what comes to mind, and worry about making it formal later.
5. my drafting processes consist of, well nothing. Whatever comes to mind goes onto the paper.
6. revisions play a huge role in my writing process. my first drafts usually are in dire need of revising. and thats when i go to some of my peers such as my good freind trevor who is reading this right now. hes a pretty good writer, and always points out my mistakes no matter how small.
7. i prefer to be alone when i write. my music doesnt bother me, but when other people are in the room its a real distraction for me. this is mostly because i have NO attention span. that attributes to my papers taking so long to write.
8. as of right now, i dont have any experiences with "workshopping". but as i stated earlier, i have a few close peers who i trust enough to fix up my papers.


  1. I definitely have to have music too. Silence just annoys me to the point that I can't focus on anything. And it sounds like neither of us has much work shopping experience. Good thing we're in the same group...

  2. Mike you are right, our writing processes are very similar. It is interesting that you also have someone that looks over your work to help you out. The only thing different about our writing processes is the fact that you worry about making your paper formal afterwords. I try to make my paper as formal as possible from the get go. Writing that way slows me down though, so I might try your method out.
