Saturday, January 24, 2009

Essay R Grade: C-

I gave this peice of writing a C-. I feel that the purpose of it was to be informative about a topic, and it did do that, but it could have been better written and better structured. The author showed a good amount of prior knowledge to the subject as well as some aquired knowledge. I thought alot of his rhetorical devices lost some effectiveness with some spelling and grammatical errors, and also his elementary sentance structure and vocabulary. All in all, if this paper was directed towards a highly educated group of people it wouldnt seem to be too effective. But if it was directed towards a high school student who wanted some insight into the world of wrestling over the past two decades, then itd be just fine.


  1. I think the structure was poorly done as well. And if his grammar and vocabulary was more intelectual, I feel like the paper would have flowed better.

  2. I agree with the grade and your rationale behind the given grade.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with your comments. He had a lot of knowledge, but carried it out inefficiently.
