Monday, March 23, 2009

They say, I say Chp 5

In the passage from Charlip, its clear in both the title of his writing, and the final sentences of it just how he feels about the topic he is writing on. the topic is social classes. He is unsettled with the lack of identity in today society as the idea of social classes begin to disipate. in this passage he refers to others such as marx and engals and wishes that their views on society were in fact true. the author talks in 1st person the entire passage, and uses it effectively in refering to other people to support his own views, such as when he talks about his sociology teacher and his own views on how society and its classes are ever changing. Throughout the reading he blatently states things such as "if only this were true" follwing marx and engels statement about 2 generalized social classes and "what class do i come from? what class am i in now?". both of these are clearly and effectively stating his opinion in first person.

Monday, March 16, 2009


1. What kind of writing does this paper most resemble-in terms of layout and design?

I think it most resembles a magazine article. Its pretty informative to be one, but it has pictures and would appeal to a variety of audiences interested in the evolvement of our society throughout time. It makes a lot of references to common pop culture, and it written somewhat freely to be anything more formal then a magazine, such as a documentary.

2. How might the audience (layout or design) of this paper influence the way an audience reads it?

The appearance of the paper makes it seems very "readable to the average person". i think it seems like this because of the pictures first and foremost. not only are there pictures, but they are very familiar pictures to people who dont live under a rock. i think this causes the reader to judge it at first glance, and then reading it very "loosely".

3. How would the paper change if you removed the images and re-formatted it to look more like a typical college research paper?

I think this paper would lose alot of its effectiveness as a piece of literature. The format and design of the paper suits the subject of the paper very nicely due to the fact that it is written informally, its about informal society, and contains pictures of an informal nature. If this was to be turned into a college research paper, then it would lose this sense of parallelism, and probably end up being alittle bit on the boring side.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Persepolis movie review

Many movies are made after books and graphic novels. These movies carry expectations with them. People go to such movies after reading the written versions, and expect to see as much as they imagined in their heads while reading the book, on the big screen. There will be comparisons of the interpretation of the written version, characters choices, formatting of the movie, as well as the parallelism of the two genres.

The story of Persepolis is about a girl’s first hand experiences throughout the Iranian Revolution. For the viewer of the movie to understand the reasoning of the format, he or she would have had to have seen the book, which was in graphic novel form. The story was written in the form to convey the true feelings of the girl, who was young at the time thusly having very naïve thoughts. This form of the book worked perfectly as it was meant to by keeping the reader interested and laughing at time, all while showing the true horrors of the revolution in Iran.

The movie accomplished the same intentions by pretty much making the graphic novel animated. The true intentions of the author of this novel would not have made it in any other format of movie. In that sense the director of the movie did a fine job staying true to the book and keeping the same ideas in line, even if the movie and book don’t match exactly. The differences between the book and the novel are quite obvious as movie starts out with the girl in her older years looking back on her past experiences, while in the book, the girl is more or a less the omnipotent narrator. As I said, differences like these do not take away from the plot, but even add to the effectiveness according to the genre.

The movie is in French and subtitled in English, which gets to be a little much as the movie goes along. It is a lot to read pretty quickly, especially for someone who is too lazy to have read the book in the first place. Besides that, the movie portrayed all of the characters nicely, although it wasn’t too hard since the book was a graphic novel. Furthermore, the movie animates the characters very nicely, and just how the reader of the book may imagine them to life.

I would recommend this movie to anyone of any age who may have any interest in learning some world culture and the hardships one young girl had to endure, all while getting a little laugh here and there. It is a well made movie, and is true to the graphic novel when it counts most.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Spider man 2

Both of these highly acclaimed movie critics cover all of the same areas of this movie, and its transtion from the prequal and comic for that matter. Over all Ebert was obviously more satisfied with the movie over all. He enjoyed the making of this movie when it came to character developement, sequal transition, and the comic relation. He also states how even people who arent into super hero movies would enjoy Spider man 2, just because it was a well made movie. Gilchrist didnt seem to agree with much of the movie, all while saying the movie was just okay. He didnt enjoy the premise of the movie and didnt respect how the director interpretated the comics and the movie's predessesor. These critics both covered the same subjects in there reviews, even though the genereal ideas were about skewed from each other. But with this kind of genre (being a comic related super hereo movie) preference plays a big part in anyones thoughts about it. from what i read it didnt "sound" like Gilchrist was a big fan of the genre in general, while Ebert states clearly that he liked most super hero movies, but this on in particular.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Persepolis film/book

I really enjoyed both types of this story. i feel the movie did a very nice job staying comic-like. it had a comic type look to it first of all, but moreover it was comical while at the same time conveying the horrors of the iranian revolution, which sound like itd be hard for any type of genre to accomplish. the subtitles did go alittle fast but thats understandable due to the language barrier. the graphic novel could be read at your own pace and read over and over until understood. you couldnt really take ur eyes of the movie or you would miss something. i did enjoy both forms of persepolis. it seems like alot of the times that a movie is made after a book, things are mising, but i thought this movie did just fine.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chp. 1 Ex. 1

a) Many people believe Ohio groundwater to be perfectly safe to drink.

b) Oprah claims this novel to be one of the greatest of our time.

c) Opposed to my opinion, millions of people find football exciting enough to watch on a weekly basis.

d) Female students are often said to be much more vocal than their male counterparts.

e) Most people who read this book believe its about the hardships caused by the man keeping us down.

f) Students like me are often given cookie cutter templates such as the five paragraph essay, and they ones we are using right now to try to make us better writers.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Comic books

So i read all of the comics about comics. ive always known what comics are and what they consist of, but i never really sat down and broke down what a comic really was and what went into making them. the comics by mcloud actually kept me interested in reading more. they seemed comical in a way, and kept my attention. i think this was to show what comics in general had to offer as opposed to other types of media such as literature and movies. literature isnt usually as aesthetically pleasing as comics, and movies leave alot less to the intellect and imagination. after reading these writings im kinda excited to start working on our graphic novels in class...and watch movies.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


1. Now that Im at college I just do all of my writing in my dorm. I always have music playin, just because i cant stand silence. back home i lived on the delaware river, and it was always nice to drive there and write in my car, just a nice setting.
2. i prefer to write using a pencil and paper. thats how i write the fastest, and i try to get everything on paper as fast i can before my thoughts slip away.
3. As i already said im good with just a pencil, paper, and preferably some music. and preferably bob marley.
4. My "invention strategies" pretty much involve a cluster of ideas. i write down what comes to mind, and worry about making it formal later.
5. my drafting processes consist of, well nothing. Whatever comes to mind goes onto the paper.
6. revisions play a huge role in my writing process. my first drafts usually are in dire need of revising. and thats when i go to some of my peers such as my good freind trevor who is reading this right now. hes a pretty good writer, and always points out my mistakes no matter how small.
7. i prefer to be alone when i write. my music doesnt bother me, but when other people are in the room its a real distraction for me. this is mostly because i have NO attention span. that attributes to my papers taking so long to write.
8. as of right now, i dont have any experiences with "workshopping". but as i stated earlier, i have a few close peers who i trust enough to fix up my papers.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


1. I believe a workshop draft is pretty much just a collection of ideas. But i also think everyones style of writing can alter that. i personally like to make my first draft very neat and formal, as to not have much to change when it comes to the final draft. i know people who like to just throw down all their ideas in a very sparatic manner, then change the sentances and ideas alllllll around when they come up to their final draft. if someone looked at my drafts and final copies, they probably wouldnt see much difference, becauase thats the way i like to write.
2. If i read essay R and was asked to give feedback to the author, i would say it was an okay starting point. there are alot of good topics in this essay to expand upon and research further. obviously the writer would have to focus more on certain points, such as the differences in time periods of wrestling, and not playmate female wrestlers. i would tell him that he would need to reorder alot of his ideas to both make the essay sound better, and be more effective.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Essay R Grade: C-

I gave this peice of writing a C-. I feel that the purpose of it was to be informative about a topic, and it did do that, but it could have been better written and better structured. The author showed a good amount of prior knowledge to the subject as well as some aquired knowledge. I thought alot of his rhetorical devices lost some effectiveness with some spelling and grammatical errors, and also his elementary sentance structure and vocabulary. All in all, if this paper was directed towards a highly educated group of people it wouldnt seem to be too effective. But if it was directed towards a high school student who wanted some insight into the world of wrestling over the past two decades, then itd be just fine.

Friday, January 23, 2009

2.h Rhetorical Analysis

1. In Bryan West's response to Mcvey's "bash" on the Clinton couple, there seems to be very little agreement with not the information in the editorial, but the manner in which it was presented. He says that the author does a good job of rhetoric in that he used a good amount of logos and pathos to get his point across. It is obvious was side Mcvey is on and its noticable how passionate he is about his dislike towards the Clintons. Although as West says, politics is a hard subject to persuade people in, and thinks as well as i do that he was very unnsuccesful if that is what he was trying to do.
2. The genre convention of this writing is in an editorial format. It was written in a formal and proffesional manner in order to show former knowledge on the subject. I've written persuasive essays in this type of genre convention and it seems to be able to get the point across.
3. I believe another good genre for this type of persuasion would have been the use of a commercial. It is seen alot on TV around election times. It easily reaches its intended audiences because TV is such a widely spread type of media now a days, probably moreso than anything written. Unfortunately it is more expensive and more work to get it out to the public.
4. I believe that the use of commercials would not only get its message out to its intended audience but also its unintended audience. TV is watched on such a large scale in our society that it would get out to anyone or anywhere.
5. The type of writting that was seen from Mcvey can be used in many, if not all lines of work. A teacher may use this type of writting to get a point across to people on a higher position in the educational hierarchy in regards to salary or facilities. A scientist could use it to get support for a certain project from investors or people of that sort. The use of logos and pathos can be used by any of these people to get their way, or their message across to another group of people.